Current Table

Odds Of Death In The United States By Selected Cause Of Injury, 2021 (1)


Cause of death Number of deaths, 2021 One-year odds Lifetime odds
Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances (2) 102,001   3,254   43 
     Drug poisoning   98,268   3,377   44 
     Opioids (including both legal and illegal) 75,785   4,379   58 
All motor vehicle accidents 46,980 7,065 93
     Car occupants 7,576 43,809 576
     Pedestrians 8,984 36,943 485
     Motorcycle riders 5,836 56,870 747
Assault by firearm 20,958 15,836 208
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 3,389 97,933 1,287
Fall on and from stairs and steps 2,766 119,991 1,577
Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming pool 841 394,642 5,186
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 557 595,860 7,830
Firearms discharge (accidental) 458 724,659 9,522
Air and space transport accidents 388 855,396 11,240
Cataclysmic storm (3) 217 1,529,464 20,098
Flood 95 3,493,618 45,908
Bitten or struck by dog 81 4,097,454 53,843
Earthquake and other earth movements 44 7,543,040 99,120
Lightning 15 (4) (4)

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2021. Ranked by deaths in 2021.
(2) Includes all types of medications including narcotics and hallucinogens, alcohol and gases.
(3) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.
(4) Rates based on less than 20 deaths are likely to be unstable from year to year and are therefore not included.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

Cause of death Deaths One-year odds Lifetime odds
All motor vehicle accidents 45,316 6,584 85
     Car accidents 14,119 21,132 272
     Motorcycle accidents 4,787 62,328 802
Assault by firearm 12,791 23,326 300
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 3,109 95,968 1,235
Fall on and from stairs and steps 1,818 164,116 2,112
Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming pool 698 427,454 5,501
Air and space transport accidents 655 455,516 5,862
Firearms discharge (accidental) 642 464,740 5,981
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 468 637,528 8,205
Cataclysmic storm (2) 75 3,978,173 51,199
Lightning 47 6,348,148 81,701
Bitten or struck by dog 32 9,323,843 119,998
Earthquake and other earth movements 25 11,934,519 153,597
Flood 10 29,836,297 383,994

(1) Ranked by deaths in 2006.
(2) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

Cause of death Number of deaths, 2007 One-year odds Lifetime odds
All motor vehicle accidents 43,945 6,856 88
     Car accidents 12,772 23,590 303
     Motorcycle accidents 5,024 59,970 770
Assault by firearm 12,632 23,851 306
Fall on and from stairs and steps 1,917 157,168 2,018
Drowning and submersion while in or
falling into swimming pool
705 427,362 5,486
Firearms discharge (accidental) 613 491,501 6,309
Air and space transport accidents 550 547,801 7,032
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 434 694,217 8,912
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 98 3,074,391 39,466
Cataclysmic storm (2) 84 3,586,790 46,044
Lightning 46 6,549,790 84,079
Bitten or struck by dog 32 9,415,323 120,864
Earthquake and other earth movements 26 11,588,090 148,756
Flood 22 13,695,015 175,803

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2007. Ranked by deaths in 2007.
(2) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

  Number of deaths, 2010 One-year odds Lifetime odds
Cause of death      
All motor vehicle accidents 35,332 8,763 111
     Car accidents 8,009 38,660 491
     Motorcycle accidents 4,278 72,377 920
Assault by firearm 11,078 27,950 355
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 2,782 111,297 1,414
Fall on and from stairs and steps 1,991 155,515 1,976
Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming pool 680 455,337 5,786
Firearms discharge (accidental) 606 510,940 6,492
Air and space transport accidents 472 655,995 8,335
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 437 708,534 9,003
Cataclysmic storm (2) 47 6,587,860 83,709
Flood 39 7,939,216 100,879
Bitten or struck by dog 38 8,148,143 103,534
Earthquake and other earth movements 33 9,382,710 119,221
Lightning 29 10,676,876 135,666

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2010. Ranked by deaths in 2010.
(2) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

  Number of
deaths, 2011
Cause of death      
All motor vehicle accidents 35,303 8,826 112
     Car occupants 8,415 37,028 470
     Motorcycle riders 4,344 71,729 911
Assault by firearm 11,068 28,153 358
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 2,746 113,471 1,442
Fall on and from stairs and steps 2,101 148,306 1,884
Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming pool 652 477,902 6,072
Firearms discharge (accidental) 591 527,228 6,699
Cataclysmic storm (2) 584 533,548 6,780
Air and space transport accidents 494 630,753 8,015
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 465 670,090 8,514
Bitten or struck by dog 34 9,164,468 116,448
Flood 25 12,463,677 158,369
Lightning 24 12,982,997 164,968
Earthquake and other earth movements 22 14,163,269 179,965

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2011. Ranked by deaths in 2011.
(2) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

Cause of death Number of
deaths, 2013
All motor vehicle accidents 35,369 8,938 113
     Car occupants 6,625 47,718 606
     Motorcycle riders 4,230 74,735 948
Assault by firearm 11,207 28,208 358
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 2,760 114,539 1,454
Fall on and from stairs and steps 2,233 141,571 1,797
Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming pool 651 485,605 6,162
Firearms discharge (accidental) 505 625,998 7,944
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 420 752,688 9,552
Air and space transport accidents 412 767,303 9,737
Cataclysmic storm (2) 63 5,017,918 63,679
Flood 42 7,526,877 95,519
Bitten or struck by dog 35 9,032,253 114,622
Earthquake and other earth movements 34 9,297,907 117,994
Lightning 23 13,744,732 174,426

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2013. Ranked by deaths in 2013.
(2) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

Odds Of Death In The United States By Selected Cause Of Injury, 2014 (1)
Cause of death Number of deaths,
Unintentional poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances 42,032 7,586 96
All motor vehicle accidents 35,398 9,008 114
     Car occupants 6,274 50,822 645
     Motorcycle riders 4,106 77,656 985
     Pedestrian incident 6,258 50,952 647
Assault by firearm 10,945 29,133 370
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 2,701 118,051 1,498
Fall on and from stairs and steps 2,285 139,544 1,771
Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming pool 701 454,860 5,772
Firearms discharge (accidental) 586 544,125 6,905
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 525 607,347 7,707
Air and space transport accidents 412 773,925 9,821
Earthquake and other earth movements 86 3,707,640 47,051
Cataclysmic storm (2) 61 5,227,165 66,335
Bitten or struck by dog 36 8,857,140 112,400
Lightning 25 12,754,282 161,856
Flood 8 39,857,132 505,801

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2015. Ranked by deaths in 2014.
(2) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

Odds Of Death In The United States By Selected Cause Of Injury, 2016 (1)
Cause of death Number of deaths,
Unintentional poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances (2) 58,335 5,539 70
     Drug poisoning 54,793 5,897 75
     Opioids (including both legal and illegal) 37,814 8,545 109
All motor vehicle accidents 40,327 8,013 102
     Car occupants 7,050 45,834 583
     Motorcycle riders 4,861 66,473 846
     Pedestrian Incident 7,330 44,083 561
Assault by firearm 14,415 22,416 285
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 2,730 118,362 1,506
Fall on and from stairs and steps 2,344 137,853 1,754
Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming pool 780 414,266 5,271
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 524 616,656 7,845
Air and space transport accidents 407 793,925 10,101
Firearms discharge (accidental) 300 1,077,092 13,703
Cataclysmic storm (3) 66 4,895,871 62,288
Flood 42 7,693,512 97,882
Lightning 36 8,975,764 114,195
Earthquake and other earth movements 33 9,791,743 124,577
Bitten or struck by dog 31 10,423,468 132,614

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2016. Ranked by deaths in 2016.
(2) Includes all types of medications including narcotics and hallucinogens, alcohol and gases.
(3) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

Odds Of Death In The United States By Selected Cause Of Injury, 2017 (1)


Cause of death Number of
deaths, 2017
One-year odds Lifetime odds
Accidental poisoning by and exposure to
noxious substances
64,795 5,027 64
     Drug poisoning 61,311 5,313 68
     Opioids (including both legal and illegal) 43,036 7,569 96
All motor vehicle accidents 40,231 8,096 103
     Car occupants 7,248 44,939 572
     Motorcycle riders 4,832 67,409 858
     Pedestrians 7,450 43,721 556
Assault by firearm 14,542 22,399 285
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 2,812 115,832 1,474
Fall on and from stairs and steps 2,493 130,654 1,662
Drowning and submersion while in or
falling into swimming pool
723 450,511 5,732
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 569 572,441 7,283
Air and space transport accidents 385 846,024 10,764
Firearms discharge (accidental) 486 670,204 8,527
Cataclysmic storm (3) 132 2,467,570 31,394
Flood 27 12,063,673 153,482
Lightning 19 17,143,115 218,106
Earthquake and other earth movements 13 25,055,321 318,770
Bitten or struck by dog 36 9,047,755 115,111

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2017. Ranked by deaths in 2017.
(2) Includes all types of medications including narcotics and hallucinogens, alcohol and gases.
(3) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

Odds Of Death In The United States By Selected Cause Of Injury, 2018 (1)


  Number of deaths, 2018 One-year odds Lifetime odds
Cause of death      
Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances 62,399 5,243 67
     Drug poisoning 58,908 5,554 71
     Opioids (including both legal and illegal) 42,518 7,695 98
All motor vehicle accidents 39,404 8,303 106
     Car occupants 6,837 47,852 608
     Pedestrians 7,680 42,600 541
     Motorcycle riders 4,669 70,072 890
Assault by firearm 13,958 23,439 298
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 2,972 110,083 1,399
Fall on and from stairs and steps 2,509 130,398 1,657
Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming pool 746 438,562 5,573
Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 485 674,572 8,571
Firearms discharge (accidental) 458 714,339 9,077
Air and space transport accidents 372 879,482 11,175
Cataclysmic storm (3) 76 4,304,835 54,699
Flood 44 7,435,624 94,481
Bitten or struck by dog 35 9,347,641 118,776
Earthquake and other earth movements 26 12,583,363 159,890
Lightning 23 14,224,671 180,746

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2018. Ranked by deaths in 2018.
(2) Includes all types of medications including narcotics and hallucinogens, alcohol and gases.
(3) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

Odds Of Death In The United States By Selected Cause Of Injury, 2019 (1)


  Number of deaths, 2019 One-year odds Lifetime odds
Accidental poisoning by
and exposure to
noxious substances (2)
65,773 4,990 63
     Drug poisoning 62,172 5,280 67
     Opioids (including both
legal and illegal)
45,489 7,216 92
All motor vehicle accidents 39,107 8,393 107
     Car occupants 6,589 49,816 632
     Pedestrians 7,668 42,806 543
     Motorcycle riders 4,635 70,818 899
Assault by firearm 14,414 22,772 289
Exposure to smoke,
fire and flames
2,692 121,931 1,547
Fall on and from stairs
and steps
2,521 130,202 1,652
Drowning and submersion
hile in or falling into
swimming pool
747 439,410 5,576
Fall on and from ladder
or scaffolding
563 583,019 7,399
Firearms discharge
486 675,390 8,571
Air and space transport
441 744,307 9,446
Cataclysmic storm (3) 71 4,623,092 58,669
Flood 34 9,654,104 122,514
Bitten or struck by dog 48 6,838,323 86,781
Earthquake and other
earth movements
32 10,257,485 130,171
Lightning 30 10,941,317 138,849

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2019. Ranked by deaths in 2019.
(2) Includes all types of medications including narcotics and hallucinogens, alcohol and gases.
(3) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.

Odds Of Death In The United States By Selected Cause Of Injury, 2020 (1)


Cause of death Number of deaths, 2020 One-year odds Lifetime odds
Accidental poisoning by
and exposure to
noxious substances (2)
87,404 3,770 49
Drug poisoning 83,558 3,943 51
Opioids (including both
legal and illegal)
64,183 5,134 67
All motor vehicle accidents 42,339 7,782 101
Car occupants 6,802 48,439 629
Pedestrians 7,904 41,686 541
Motorcycle riders 5,353 61,551 799
Assault by firearm 19,383 16,999 221
Exposure to smoke, fire
and flames
2,951 111,652 1,450
Fall on and from stairs
and steps
2,669 123,449 1,603
Drowning and submersion
while in or falling into
swimming pool
740 445,249 5,782
Fall on and from
ladder or scaffolding
576 572,021 7,429
discharge (accidental)
400 823,710 10,698
Air and space
transport accidents
364 905,176 11,756
Cataclysmic storm (3) 122 2,700,690 35,074
Flood 37 8,904,976 115,649
Bitten or struck by dog 62 5,314,260 69,016
Earthquake and other
earth movements
34 9,690,710 125,853
Lightning 17 (4) (4)

(1) Based on fatalities and life expectancy in 2020. Ranked by deaths in 2020.
(2) Includes all types of medications including narcotics and hallucinogens, alcohol and gases.
(3) Includes hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, dust storms and other cataclysmic storms.
(4) Rates based on less than 20 deaths are likely to be unstable from year to year and are therefore not included.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics; National Safety Council.