Commercial Insurance

The London Insurance Market

The London Market is a distinct, separate part of the U.K. insurance and reinsurance industry centered in the City of London. Its main participants are insurance and reinsurance companies, Lloyd's of London syndicates, Marine Protection and Indemnity Clubs (P&I Clubs), and brokers who handle most of the business. The core of its activity is the conduct of internationally traded insurance and reinsurance business. This is mostly non-life insurance and reinsurance, particularly marine and aviation business, with an increasing emphasis on high-exposure risks.

Lloyd’s of London is not an insurance company, but an insurance market of members, both corporate and individual. Lloyd’s members conduct their insurance business in syndicates, each of which is run by a managing agent. Over the course of its history, Lloyd’s has built a reputation for developing innovative coverages for the U.S. market including excess of loss reinsurance, kidnap and ransom insurance and more recently, terrorism insurance. Further information on Lloyd’s is available on its website at