National Dog Bite Prevention Week Kicks Off with Facebook Live Event Today



Triple-I’s California Press Office: Janet Ruiz, 707-490-9365,   


Media Advisory:

     SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., April 11, 2022—The Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) will participate in a Facebook Live event on Monday, April 11, 2022, at 2:30 p.m., ET, to discuss the pandemic’s impact on pets and how to reduce dog biting incidents.

Triple-I today is joining the National Dog Bite Prevention Week (April 10-16, 2022) Coalition on an American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) panel which will include the following individuals:

Steve Dale, a Certified Animal Behavior Consultant and WGN-AM, Chicago radio host, will serve as the panel’s moderator.

The Coalition panelists also will offer safety and training tips for socializing dogs; provide information on how to support animal shelters and rescues struggling due to a lack of financial resources; and share dog bite-related injury insurance claims data for 2021.

“In 2021, the nationwide number of dog bite-related injury claims was 17,989, a 2.2 increase from 2020, with the total cost of claims at $881.8 million and the average cost per claim of $49,025. The average cost per claim decreased in 2021 for the first time in 10 years, by 1.1 percent from 2020,” stated Janet Ruiz, Director, Strategic Communication, Triple-I.  “California, Florida and Texas had the highest number of claims. Education and training for owners and pets is the key to keeping everyone safe and healthy.”

Triple-I offers these four tips to reduce the likelihood of a dog-biting incident:

  1. Be a responsible parent
  2. Socialize your dog
  3. Teach your kids the basics about dog safety
  4. Know your dog’s triggers of aggression (e.g., loud noises)



Infographic:   National Dog Bite Prevention Week

Videos:          Dog Bite Prevention

                      Four Tips to Keep Your Dog from Causing Any Harm

The Triple-I has a full library of educational videos on its YouTube Channel.

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